
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I've tried to stay so positive. So optimistic. But its all run out.

All I have any longer is tears. An abundance of them.

Where is MY chance at life?



  1. Oh, Lynnelle! I'm praying for you! I'm so sorry you are spent. My prayer is that God will renew your joy and give you the strength and grace you need to get through each minute of today.

  2. Darling, It is okay to cry. Rest in the fact that others if us are praying for your healing.If that is impossible, know that we are doing just that. I feel scared for you and not having any money to help with your expenses and treatment tears me up. All I know to do is to keep pleading with our Father to heal your body, mind, and soul. You are in my thoughts continually. I love you, Girlie!

  3. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever beliveth in him shall not perish; but they shall have everlasting life. Amen.

  4. Thanks to Heather, Gramcracker and MissNikkiAnn for your kind words. Today has been tough. Thanks too for your prayers.

  5. The chance is in you, in all the people that love you, in the faith that you keep. You are incredibly strong and just because your emotions have boiled over doesn't mean the hope for your chance has fallen away. Text or call me anytime you need and I'll try to be "with it" anough to respond well. I've been crying all over the place too so I'm right there with you. Love you lots! <3
