Well, I'm back. And I don't really know what to say. Except that I'm struggling.
I'm sick.
I'm exhausted. Melting into my bed, becoming one with it, exhausted.
And I can't think.
I am positive for Mycoplasma and HHV-6. This helps explain my complete exhaustion.
I started a new detoxing IV. I think its called PTC for short, but I can't remember the true full name. I had a good herx reaction from the first one but they won't let me do that again, so we've done it without the glutathione push afterwards ever since. I'm getting them once a week and I've had 3 now I think.
My BUN is back down a point. It had been up to 6 but this month it fell back to 5. I had been hoping for it to be a 7 or 8 so that I could cut back on my amino acid IVs but that isn't going to be happening. :(
The one thing that has improved is my nausea. It is not constant anymore. I still struggle with it sometimes, but not as badly. And I have been able to eat roughly the equivalent of 1 meal a day most of the time too.
Otherwise, I'm just seriously lacking motivation. I KNOW this can and will work, its just that I'm tired of it already! I've been treating for 18 months and have been house/bed bound for a year. Its really old. Yet at the same time, I hardly remember what its like to be able to function. Properly. To a certain extent, I don't think I've ever known what thats like, but I sure had much more functionality (is that even a word??) than I do now!!
I know God has everything under control and that He has me here, in this position for a specific purpose. So I just rest in that knowledge. And know that He is the One who gives me all that I do have, it could be so much worse!!
Thank you all for your prayers and support and love! It really means a LOT to know that people are thinking about me. It is easy to feel forgotten with this isolating disease.
<3 <3 <3 <3