
Thursday, October 25, 2012

In a bad place...

I've been trying to get a post written to update you all on treatment and how the last round went, how my appt was, and what we are doing differently. But I just haven't had the energy or brain power to do any of it. I've tried recording and re-recording videos instead of writing. I've tried. I know you all can't see that though, I understand.

But there is SO much you can't see. Right now that is the tears streaming down my face. Or the 20+ medications I take to get through a day. And my phone blowing up with ooh's and ahh's over this-

Now I guess here is where I need to understand that once again, you don't see the unfinished blog posts, the tears, you don't see the meds, or Doctors, or ER/hospital visits, and on and on. 

But I'm in this bad place. 
Every compliment I get on this photo, i take as one more person saying "you aren't sick, you look fine!".  
Now don't get me wrong, I love each of you and appreciate your support, but I am writing out my true feelings and how this all is interpreted. 

I've gotten this all my life, ever since I can remember I've been told that whatever my problem was, I was fine, I was being a hypochondriac, that I looked OK. And that's just it. Its just looks. 

What else can you not see in this picture? 
How sick I was that day and nearly cancelled on the photographer, but knew it was my only chance. The migraine....smiling in the light of out-doors with a migraine, this was a huge order for me. Then me hardly able to get back into my house and back into bed....I was in so much pain, and nauseous. Twitching and jerking. Vomiting and all sorts ensued.

And the other thing you can't see, which anyone would have had a good laugh at though, was my mom and the photographer pulling me to the back yard in my wheelchair. The ground was soft and I'm not lite, so it took them both to pull me out there....It was a little embarrassing... 

When I look at that picture....I don't see me.
Because that isn't truly me right now. 
The real me?
 That smile felt completely fake. Most of them were, because when I was genuinely smiling, I looked dead. So I kept having to put this big, bright face on. Force my eyes open.
My eyes...I assure you, the wonders of photography programs are great, because mine aren't that bright naturally and the I did actually asked the photographer, "can you make my skin look OK"? 
I told my sister just this morning that my face looks like I was murdered. My skin is bad.

The real me right now? 
 I'm in bed all the time. Can still hardly walk. I'm light, sound, smell, and touch sensitive. Muscles twitching and spasming. Seizures, narcolepsy, insomnia, and anxiety. 
These are just a few of the symptoms that make this world of mine, that I wouldn't wish on anybody, go around. 


I am in D.C. every 6 weeks and I was just there 2 weeks ago. I had a test done at 9am and it lasted 2 hours. Afterwards Joel, Gwen, and Lila picked us up at the curb and we went to have the Georgetown cupcakes experience- they have a GF one by the way! 

Next was finding the Apple store for Joel to look for was a little interesting, as it is hard to use GPS in DC! And then we had to find a place to park! The ladies stayed in the car and just waited. 

And then food. Ha! It was one of those GPS deals. AGAIN. We would find a place that sounded really good, drive to it and realize that it was in the middle of some mall or business. So we finally gave up and were going to go into the mall...we had time. Here you had to have a monthly pass to park in the garage! 
It was an interesting hour+, trying to find some place. We eventually did, and it was the block behind my LLMD's office. Go figure! 

And then my appt was at 2:30. The nurse said that my provider seemed quite concerned by my symptoms, which I had emailed the day before, and that she would be right with us. Well, we waited a LONG time until she got to us. Asked a few questions and she and Dr. J came up with a plan of treatment, dosing changes and treatment for the next 6 weeks. 
I traded out Clindamycin for Cipro, which certainly didn't hurt my feelings! Clinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth for about 10 hours! 

We were in the office until about 6:30....far past their closing time! As soon as we were checking out, the nurses and providers were heading out the "back door". In reality, it leads to the same hallway that we use, that is how we saw them. Haha 

And then back to Baltimore we went. Thankfully the traffic wasn't bad, because we all know that I am a basket case in the car. Especially in DC!! Since we got in so late, Joel's just dropped us off and were on their way home. They have about 2 hours. And mom and I crashed into bed! 

We had left that morning at 6:30 so that we could shuttle to the commute train station, catch the Marc, and its about an hour down to D.C. From the station we catch a cab to get to Dr. J's office. And we were a little early for the 9am appt, but I say a little early is right on time! I used to work in a Dr's office and understand! 

We made it home and last week and this week I've been doing my treatments. They are pretty brutal, but I have hopes that they will really come to the rescue and help me get into remission! 

I think I can already tell a difference in my walking, but others can't see it. At least I'm not scooting around the house as much, but that might change if my knees and ankles continue to be so weak. 
Also depends on how sick I am. Yesterday, I shouldn't have been on my feet! I was moving so slowly, I could have been going backwards. I guess that is something that pain will do to you. And neuro issues.

Other than what I've already touched on, I'm not sure what else to update you on... 
I'm getting kind of sad and depressed though. I feel as if life, the world, and my friends have left me behind for bigger, greater, and better, more fun things. I realize I'm not fun right now. But I still need friends! I just feel like I have been forgotten.

And just to clarify, this post has been written over the course of several days...Its just so hard to get your thoughts all put together and know what to say, how to say it and to simply be real and say it. 

I appreciate all the love and support I have been given! I couldn't do it without you!! 
And Especially to my family who have done fundraisers to raise money for my treatment! Its just amazing that there is so much love out there for me!! 
I want to say Thank You to my Hilty Aunties for the fundraiser you did in my honor! I really appreciate it and want you to know that I love each and everyone of you and that I hope to see you all at Thanksgiving and thank you personally!! 

Also to my second cousins in the Hilty family- they are more like first cousins since we know them so well!! :)  Thank You for all your hard work and your love and thoughtfulness!!! I am blessed and humbled by all you have done for me!! 

This is such a humbling experience! Needing people to help you daily. Needing help to even get treatment. Needing friends even when I can't give a ton back to them. But I know that there is a plan and a purpose for each moment. May God Bless you in your giving, your generosity, and your hard work toward my cause!! 

<3 Lynnelle 


  1. Lynnelle - The thing you should understand is that this image represents the finish line of one small marathon. The reward is a beautiful image that your friends and loved ones get to see in which you are smiling and representing a window into a potential healthy future. Everyone knows you're sick, so the memories that you have are just memories that are triggered whenever YOU don't feel like you look sick (like in this image). I, personally, don't like looking sick in my images, but that's because I don't have the same triggered memories. That photo shoot was a mini-marathon that I am SO proud of you for accomplishing!! You deserve a reward, not self-punishment of any sort. You are a beautiful light on the inside, and on the outside. I've seen your light during talks on Skype. It's okay to have a light when you're sick. It just means that there truly is hope that you will get better. Only people with a light have the will to recover, you know. ;)

    Don't read this while trying to think of something defensive to say because I'm calling you out! YOU ARE A WARRIOR AND I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THAT!! lol

    And you truly are blessed to have people who care about you and help you. Please don't ever allow yourself to feel like a burden. You are a blessing in my life and (even if you don't feel like it) you are a blessing in everyone's life who has ever met you or knows you.

    You are loved and celebrated, my dear friend! Just trust in this, okay?

    All my love,

    1. Thank you! Thank you for believing in me when I can't. Thank you for showing me that I can, I will, and that there is hope and a future and how blessed I am! I REALLY am blessed. So much more so than you, than most Lymies. I have so many people supporting me. And I shouldn't take that for granted!! Ever.

      I am glad you are able to see the light shining through me, it is only the light of Christ in my life! Otherwise, as you can see, I can't do it on my own. Jesus can carry me through the rough times and show me the path when I am alone!

      Yes, people know I am sick, most of them. But I guess what I fear is that the moment I look good, am able to get back some life, that they will think Iam well, like before. And its really hard to say that, please know that. I fear that greatly!!

      But thank you! You believe in me and help me to see that even when I am down, you can still see my light shining!
      I love you and can't wait to talk to you by the way! :)

  2. Lynnelle...As much as I would like to think that I am not like Job's friends, I know I am. We all are. It is hard to really let all of your pain in and share it with you. There are really no words to say that make it better. And I am sorry for how isolating and lonely that is for you. I pray that God will soon restore your health and wealth just as He did Job's. And I pray that God will keep true soul friends in and out of your days as you battle on in this lonely war. I love you.

    1. Thank you for your prayers and support Cretora! I think I take those things for granted too much, and I'm sorry! I know you love me, it just so hard to feel love sometimes. When you are extremely lonely. When you are extremely sick. Etc.

      I guess the biggest fear is that when people see a picture like this, they will think that I am well, that I no longer need support and love. Or that I am even sick. Its hard to admit that, but that is really what I fear. Its the way it was before, and I don't want to go back there!

      At the same time, I don't want to be sick. I want to follow my many dreams and hopes for my life. But I want people to give me time to heal. I don't know if this is making any sense, I hope so. I am extremely exhausted...not a great time to try to be writing!! I hope you get my point.

      I love you too. And thank you once again for all your love and support. For the prayers as well! And by the way, I need to call you some time, hopefully tomorrow or something....about Thanksgiving time. Talk to you later!

    2. Jeanne, I am sorry, I got confused, I thought this was Cretora....she is the one I need to contact about Thanksgiving. But on the subject, will you and your family be able to make it to Grandma's for Thanksgiving? We will be there...I am quite excited!! My appointment is that same week, and Grandpa's are only about 2 hours from D.C. we will be there! So thankful for that!!

  3. Lynnelle, I know what's behind that smile! I've been there. But just want you to know that from a photographer's standpoint that is a great pic... and remember how we talked about being sick and not feeling beautiful? Well I think this pic proves you're very beautiful in spite of this horrible disease! love you!-andrea

  4. Keep going & never give up. I fought it hard for a year, I still fight everyday. I'm off medication now thankfully. I still see a naturopath and take 70 million supplements, I still deal with things normal people don't. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Select individuals could deal with the absolute hell & nightmare that is Chronic Lyme Disease. Praying for you & sending you many healing blessings. Stay strong girl.
